The best price we have found anywhere in the UK is £1195 for Direct Purchase from Star Robots Cheapest Genibo!
Job tracking sheets are still available on the Repairs page. Everything else is currently being put together and will go live as soon as it is ready. We hope to make this site a great resource as well as a place to get into contact with X-Wolf or X-Dog for your Aibo's repair needs. In the meantime, please come watch us live as we do our repairs. We are live almost daily, except for the weekends, which is our time off. We appreciate your understanding in that matter.
Welcome to the International AiboHospital the place for all your Aibo repair and service needs.
Here at AiboHospital, X-Dog (Steve) has been repairing Aibos since 2001 and and X-Wolf (Neo) since 2003. So that gives us a combined experience of over 16 years repairing these fascinating little robots. Your Aibo is in excellent hands!
For any questions or comments regarding Aibos, their service and their repair please feel free to contact us by phone or email. You may contact the AiboHospital by the following means.
By Email –
(Deutsche Sprecher müssen email.)
(Les orateurs français doivent email.)
When emailing X-Wolf, you must write "AIBO" in the subject line so our return system can send you and email and let you know I have received your eMail. If I have not gotten your email, you will NOT get an email back saying I have received your email.
DO NOT REPLY TO RESPONDER EMAIL. Anyone who replies to the responder email address will end up in oblivion and never end up anywhere near X-Wolf or X-Dog's viewing eyes. This email is just to let you know X-Wolf has gotten your email.
By Telephone -
(English speakers only at this time)
Monday-Sunday 8am to 10pm GMT
UK – 0843 289 0827
Mobile and Texts – 0774 968 1135 (available 24 hours)
International - +44 774 968 1135
All repairs are arranged by email.